I’m James Nightingale, an observational cosmologist and Ernest Rutherford Fellow at Newcastle University.

My cosmology research uses gravitational lensing to study the most massive black holes, the smallest dark matter clumps and the most distant Universe.
I’m the lead developer of PyAutoLens, open source software for analyzing gravitational lenses.
You can read more about my Cosmology research here.
I collaborate with healthcare researchers on applying the statistical techniques I developed for Cosmology to improve cancer treatments.
This uses the statistics software PyAutoFit that I lead development of.
You can read more about my cancer research here.
I’m a member of the Euclid consortium, where I develop techniques to correct radiation damage to the VIS instruments CCD’s. This will enable the shapes of tens of millions of galaxies to be measured accurately so that we can map out the mass distribution of the entire Universe.
I discuss this research in more detail here.
I completed my PhD at the University of Nottingham under the supervision of Dr. Simon Dye, where I developed the foundations of PyAutoLens.
CV: https://jamesnightingale.net/cv/
Publications: https://jamesnightingale.net/publications/
Github: https://github.com/Jammy2211
Orcid: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8987-7401